
6.2 笔试真题 & 详解

IBM 笔试题

第一部分:IPAT (IPAT 的全称是 Information Processing Aptitude Test)。 Part I 15min 15Ques 矩阵排列

Part II 4min 20Ques 数列猜测

Part III 5min (不记得多少题)Ques 数学计算

Part IV 15min 15Ques 矩阵排列 每部分单独发卷,卷子第一页是样板题。没说开始考试,不让翻页。 时间到了就收走卷子,但是 IPAT 的答题卡是在最后所有答完再收。 答题方法,选哪个就在哪个地方画叉,一共有 ABCDE 五个选项。 题型和网上历年的题目一样,稍后做了一个总结。

记分方法:I 和 IV 打错不扣分,II 和 III 打错倒扣分 第二部分:技术卷,答题时间是一个小时,有 ABC 三套卷子。 熟悉 JAVA 的选做 AC,熟悉 C++的选做 BC。

题型为单选和多选,每题分值不同,做错不扣分,多选选不全得一半分。 我答的是 BC 卷,B 卷全考 C++,多为读程序选结果,类,字符串,指针之类的。 C 卷什么都考,很细,UML、数据结构。。。。。

经验 1:IBM 技术笔试题型

拿到试卷后一看,竟然没有 iq 测试,全是技术题,不过与网上说的差不多,题型 很多,时间很紧!一共有七份:oop(25),web(20),rdbs(20),linux(20),j2ee(20),java(50),xml(20), 要求两个半小时完成。当时感觉到手很厚一叠,发了几张稿纸和一张答题卡。最后悔的 就是刚开始没问清楚答错会不会倒扣分,结果好多题目不会做也不敢写答案,收卷时一 问竟然不倒扣,直呼不爽,胡 mm 笑着说,“那你要不要再补一些答案上去?”。我想了 一下,算了,这样说不定歪打正着呢。



web:考 tcp,ip,xhtml,dhtml 等这些平时都不去想的理论,虽然很简单,就是问 你什么叫 xhtml,还有 soap 是什么。

rdbs:关系型数据库,这个做得最好,也是最简单的。主要考一些数据操作 sql 语句的执行结果,以及如何写一些语句等,也有什么 ddl 基本命令,以及 d*l 这类的,专 业术语的测试。还有 inner,except,***就是内联,排除之类的 select 操作,难的应该是英 文术语没掌握,好多东西看不懂什么意思,其实不难的。联合查询也考到了,都是基本 的,还有 desktop 数据库是哪个,应该是 access 吧。

linux: 这个刚开始也不难,竟然考用什么命令解包,后来考到如何设置 ip,mac 地 址绑定等,当然也考到 what's linux?linus' unix!难点的有进程管理 ps,还有用户管理,都 是迷惑选项,什么的 useradd or adduser,基础一定要扎实!

j2ee 与 xml:这两个做得蛮惨的,j2ee 还有点 jsp 基础,至少能应付几个。主要考 bean 还有 eclips 这些,还有 servlet,服务器端的设定。后面这些我就不行了,没怎么接 触。xml 更是不懂了,只好靠一些小技巧去蒙了。xml 考一些标记,如何获取相应的 value, 以及一些代码识别等。

java:是这次考的重点,毕竟是招 java 工程师。考了好多细节,但大部分是语法, 一段代码,结果是什么,变量名哪个不合法,语句哪条正确,代码能否编译通过这个比 较麻烦,好多看上去没问题的,但选项给出可能编译不通过。还有许多类的定义,以及 类里的成员变量定义域,成员函数互相调用是否可行,类里面再定义类会有什么约束, 继承,接口考的也蛮多。

大体就是这些了,细节展开会有好多的。总体上说考试题不算难,除了不会的我也 全做完了,时间其实也刚好。主要看你的意志力了,因为高度集中精神做一个半小时下 来后都会放松的,以后就越做越慢了,所以刚开始一定要快快快!不要以为以后会有同 样的速度,不可能的。另外一个很大很大的体会就是当初我们应该用英文原版教材,那 样这种考题基本没什么挑战力

经验 2:ibm ipat(personal aptitude test)笔试资料

每年 ibm 的第一关都是他的信息处理性格测试 ipat。

题目都很 easy,考的是速度和取舍的魄力。

整理本本里资料的时候,发现当时自己搜集的几份很有用的资料。 希望对开学要找工作的朋友有些帮助。

ipat 的全称是 ibm personal aptitude test,即 ibm 个人能力测试。

这是 ibm 招募新员工的笔试,考查英文阅读速度和基本运算反应能力。 我前些天申请了 ibm 公司的工作,chinahr 初选后通知我去参加笔试。 以下内容纯属个人感想,不涉及题目内容、对 ibm 的评价,仅供参考。

a) 题目分布:

partⅰ 25 min 30 ques

partⅱ 10 min 40 ques

partⅲ 30 min 25 ques

每次发试卷后,有 5 分钟的时间看答题样板,三个部分总共 15 分钟。

所以考试的总时间是 80 分钟,不是 chinahr 通知单说的 120 分钟。

b) 题目类型:

partⅰ 矩阵排列(就是把行和列变来边去,让你说出字母) partⅱ 数列猜测(就是连续出现一些字母,让你猜下一个) partⅲ 数学计算(主要是一些分数的运算,小学理解能力)

c) 题目难度:

其实说白了一点都不难,绝对是小学三年级水平。但是很多人都没能按 时做完全部题目,甚至忙中出错,主要的原因是看英文题目,思考太久。

d) 考试建议:

个人建议诸位准备参加 ipat 考试的兄弟姐妹,连续两周进行填鸭式的



e d c b a c a d e b a d b c e b e d a c d c a e b

start at the fourth letter of column 5 and follow the letters around the outside of the

pattern in a clockwise direction. what is the second letter between the second e and the second b you come to?


a b 2 c 3

1 1 b 3 d

a 1 b c 4

5 a 5 2 b

e 5 d 2 c

in the row that has more letters than numbers, in which the numbers are separated by only one letter, and in which the numbers sum to less than the sum of the numbers in the second column, which letter comes just before the second number, counting from right to left?


e d c b a c a d e b a d b c e b e d a c d c a e b

if row 4 were reversed, what letter would be above e in row 5?

section 1: lots of grids consisting of various symbols. given questions like “what is thesymbol directly left of £ symbol in the third column when it has been reversed?”

section 2: give the next number in the sequence, 40 sets of sequences and 8 minutes available.

section 3: basic mental arithmetic, calculator supplied e.g. if x had 30% and y had 10% of the remaining how much was left over?

aptitude test, 1? hour long, 3 parts, first part matrix manipulation e.g. if you interchange row 1 and row 2 what would be the symbol in the 3 column of row 1. second part you are given a sequences and you have to pick the next number in the sequence. third part, general math problems e.g. percentages, fractions, multiplications.

经验 3:ibm 英文笔试题

it consists of number series.in some institutes alphabetical series is given instead of number series.iam having number series so iam sending that.please go through tha alphabetical tests also.

1. 30,28,25,20,34,28,? a:21

2 4,8,16,32,64,128,? a:256

3. 8,16,24,32,40,48,? a:56

4. 13,11,14,12,15,13,? a:16

5. 6,18,36,108,216,648,? a:1296

6 4,4,8,8,16,16,? a:32

7. 2,6,18,54,162,486,? a:1458

8 4,20,35,49,62,74,? a:85

9. 10,18,15,23,20,28,? a:25

10 . 4,10,8,14,12,18,? a:16

11 .10,15,12,17,14,10,? a:16

part 2

consists of non-verbal reasoning (figures). so it is impossible for me to send those.(25 questions)

part 3 (quantitative)

1. a clerk multiplied a number by ten when it should have been divided by ten.the ans he got was 100.what should the ans have been?


2. if rs20/- is available to pay for typing a research report & typist a produces 42 pages and typist b produces 28 pages .how much should typist a receive?


3. the average salary of 3 workers is 95 rs. per week. if one earns rs.115 and second earns rs.65 how much is the salary of the 3rd worker.


4. a 16 stored building has 12000 sq.feet on each floor. company a rents 7 floors and company b rents 4

floors.what is the number of sq.feet of unrented floor space.


5. during a given week a programer spends 1/4 of his time preparing flow chart, 3/8 of his time coding and the rest of the time in debugging the programs. if he works 48 hours during the week ,how many hours did hespend debugging the program.


6. a company installed 36 machines at the beginning of the year. in march they installed 9 additional machines and then disconnected 18 in august. how many were still installed at the end of the year.

a: 27

7. a man owns 2/3 of the market research beauro business and sells 3/4 of his shares for rs. 75000. what is the value of business.


8. if 12 file cabinets require 18 feet of wall space, how many feet of wall space will 30 cabinets require?


9. a computer printer produced 176,400 lines in a given day. if the printer was in

operation for seven hours during the day, how many lines did it print per minute?


10. from its total income, a sales company spent rs.20,000 for advertising, half of the remainder on commissions and had rs.6000 left.what was its total income?


11. on monday a banker processed a batch of cheques, on tuesday she processed three times as many, and on wednesday she processed 4000 cheques. in the three days, she processed 16000cheques. how many did she process on tuesday?


1. the cost of four dozen proof machine ribbons and five dozen accouting machine ribbons was rs.160/-. if one dozen accounting machine ribbons cost rs.20/-, what is the cost of a dozen proof machine ribbons?


2. if a clerk can process 80 cheques in half an hour, how many cheques can she process in a seven and one half hour day?


3. in a library, there are two racks with 40 books per rack. on a given dya, 30 books were issued. What fraction remained in the racks?


4. the average length of three tapes is 6800 feet. none of the tapes is less than 6400 feet. what is the greatest possible length of one of the other tapes?

ans.7600 freshersworld.com

5. a company rented a machine for rs.700/- a month. five years later the treasurer calculated that if the company had purchased the machine and paid rs.100/- monthly maintenance charge, the company would have saved rs.2000/-. what was the purchase price of the machine?


6. two computers each produced 48000 public utility bills in a day. one computer printed bills at the rate of 9600 an hour and the other at the rate of 7800 an hour. when the first computer finished its run, how many bills did the other computer still have to print?ans.9000

7. if a salesman's average is a new order every other week, he will break the office record of the year. however,after 28 weeks, he is six orders behind schedule. in what proportion of the remaining weeks does he have to obtain a new order to break the record?


8. on a given day, a bank had 16000 cheques returned by customers.inspection of the first 800 cheques indicated that 100 of those 800 had errors and were therefore the available immediately for data processing. on this basis,hwo many cheques would be available immediately for data processing on that day?


a company figured it needed 37.8 sq.feet of carpot for its reception room. to allow for waste, it decided to order 20% more material than needed. fractional parts of sq.feet cannot be ordered. at rs.9/- a sq.feet, how much would the carpet cost?

ans.a. rs.324 b) rs.405 c) rs.410 d) rs.414 e) rs.685

21.a tape manufacturer reduces the price of his heavy duty tape from rs.30/- to rs.28/- a reel and the price of a regular tape from rs.24/- to rs.23/- a reel. a computing centre normally spends rs.1440/- a month for tapes and 3/4 of this is for heavy duty tapes. how much will they save a month under the new prices?


22. in a team of 12 persons, 1/3 are women and 2/3 are men. to obtain a team with 20% women how many men should be hired? ans.8 freshersworld.com

23. the dimensions of a certain machine are 48" x 30" x 52". if the size of the machine is increased proportionately until the sum of its dimensions equals 156", what will be the increase in the shortest side?

ans. 6"

24. in a certain company, 20% of the men and 40% of the women attended the annual company picnic. if 35% of all the employees are man, what percent of all the employees went to the picnic?


25. it cost a college rs.0.70 a copy to produce a programme for the homecoming football game. if rs.15,000/- was received for advertisements in the programme, how many copies at rs.0.50 a copy must be sold to make a profit of rs.8000/- ?ans. 35000

经验 4:

昨天下午是 IBM 的笔试。 4 点钟开始笔试了 2 个多钟头。 IBM 招聘和一般的就是 不一样,下的本钱比较足,在 chinahr 上自己专门弄了一个系统投简历,发通知信,完 了出了 n 套试卷笔试。

笔试是全英文的,分为两部分,第一部分称为 IPAT,测试逻辑思考和反应能力,三 小块,限时做完,有点象 GRE 考试的逻辑题。第一块是给 3 个距阵,距阵各元素为字 母或数字,针对每个距阵有 5 个小问,问题很简单,看懂题目就行。不过时间非常紧 张,我只做了一半时间就到了。没法子,原来从没做过这样的题型。第二小块是若干小型计算题,也非常简单,小学生都能做,问题同样是时间,我就做了一半多一点。第三 小块是数列题,给出一个自然数序列问下一个数字是什么。这道题倒是答的不错,基本 上全部完成。

笔试第二部分是技术测试。题目完全是给软件的人出的,4 个部分,分别考查 java, C++,综合(数据流图,数据库,网络等等)还有数据结构,java 和 C++可以选做其中之 一,只报 CRL 的可以不做综合题。可怜我投的是 LSI circuitdesign,平时最多 c 还用一 点,C++除了大二学过一点外 4 年多没碰了,综合题和数据结构题更不必说。anyway, 都是选择题,凭着一点点记忆做了一下,居然记得的还蛮多,估计能做对一半 c++的题 吧。

IBM 居然都不为做硬件的人专门出题,这点不爽。不过这样的话大概我们投 LSI group 的这场笔试就比较无所谓了。应该会面试吧。面面 IBM 还是不错的。

IBM 非技术类笔试经验







考完我问了那个 HR,他说两周内如果通过了会给你打电话,或者有渠道通知你,没有接到任何信息就是被默拒了。

祈祷 ING,,,希望我 RP 好能顺利走上蓝色之路吧。也祝各位战友都好!

IBM 技术职位笔试经验

我参加的是 11 点 15 分那场考试,首先说个题外话,关于笔霸,很严格,根本不让进,我的两个同学和 BF 都没能进来。BF 是有邀请函的,但是投错职位了,投到(GBS),下午两点那场。想着给 HR 说一下, 应该可以参加技术类的笔试,可还是不行。


考试时间 105 分钟,分两部分 IPAT(45 分钟)和技术测试(1 个小时)


题型就是网上说的那三部分:矩阵题,数列题和小学数学应用题,矩阵题答得最菜,三部分都没完(悲哀啊~)。后两部分大错扣分(扣每题得分的 1/4)。








有 A、B、C 三部分。A 是 Java,B 是 C++,C 是 Commons,即 C 是所有的人都要答的部分

如果对 Java 比较熟,那就选择 A+C 部分

如果对 C++比较熟,那就选择 B+C 部分


我选择的是 B+C 部分

B:主要考察的是 C++的基础知识:运算符优先级、继承、虚函数、静态变量、#define宏定义的运算(这个我参加两次笔试,两次都有)




Best Wishes~

IBM 蓝色之路笔试


试卷上说这题是 IBM 的题库里抽的,还叫不要把内容传递出去,有什么知识产权,所以估计以后的题型也不会有变化。在这里要提醒小朋友们真的要好好训练下网上的真题,而且仅此类型就够了,但是要绝对的速度!!






这部分题目不难,也不需要英文理解,但是要在四分钟内做 20 题就不是每个人都行的。

我就是这部分没有拿够分,有 7 个没做,那个悔啊~~~~~ 记住,速度是建立在能力之上的,但是这部分完全可以通过考前的集训提高很多的。



而且不能让英文阅读能力拖后腿。题型都是网上真题里的,就是那个 25 个英文题目的真题,熟悉里面的考点,练好估算能力。这部分要争取全做完。我就是计算能力差了,所以两道题没做完~~


好好准备了 IBM 的笔试就不难过。机会永远给有准备的人!

我就因为之前没重视网上的真题总结,也没好好练,第一次笔试就败在 IBM 了,但能为自己和后面的学弟学妹们提供一个教训也没白费~~~

IBM 蓝色之路 IPAT 笔试题型

今天考过就觉得有点后悔昨天没吧矩阵的题目好好练几个,真的好绕好绕好绕,等我绕完前两个矩阵时,考官道:还有 2 分钟。。。

(1)把所有的 M 都换成 6,把所有的#都换成 4,哪一行和哪一列的数字之和是 18

A.row 3 and column 5

B.row 1 and column 4

C.row 5 and column 3

D.row 2 and column 3

E.row 3 and column 4

(2)把所有#都换成 M,再把从右上到左下的对角线 reverse,再把第二行和第四行对调,问第二行从右向左数第二个是什么






(3)把所有出现在/左边的!都换成 T,所有出现在行结尾的 T 都换成/,问现在位于第四行第二列的是什么







(5)。。。自己编吧,就跟上面三道类似,可见 IBM 的题并不是很简单的,还是需要做些准备和训练的~~


AB 2 C3


A1 B C4

5A5 2B


In the row that has more letters than numbers, in which the numbers are separated by only one letter, and in which the numbers sum to less than the sum of the numbers in the second column, which letter comes just before the second number, counting from right to left?

第三大题是全字母的,具体位置记不清,也贴上来一个类似的 M N H G JJ M G J NH N H G JG J M J HH M J N G(1)把所有的 M 换成 H,所有原来矩阵中的的 H 换成 G,所有原来矩阵中的的 G 换成 N,所有原来矩阵中的的 N 换成 J,然后问将从左上到右下的对角线 REVERSE,问第三行第二列是什么字母 A.MB.NC.HD.GE.J(2)把所有的 N 换成 3,J 换成 2,哪一行的数字之和最多 A.row 1B.row2C.row 3D.row 4E.row 5(3)将第一行、第三行、第五行都 reverse,再把第三行和第五行对调,原来矩阵中第 14 个字母是现在矩阵中的第几个 A.24B.22C.19D.12E20(4)。。。(5)。。。都类似于前面三道考前看到一个前辈说带几支不同颜色的笔,好在一个矩阵上为不同的题做标记。

我准备了四种颜色的笔,但是由于事先没有练过手,现场练又没有时间,导致除了铅笔用来涂卡,其他的笔都没有用上。。。矩阵做得两个字:糟糕第二部分数列,20 道。两个字:郁闷题目都是等差数列,或者说我做的前 14 道题都是等差数列,后面的没来得及做就到时间了,所以考前还是找点小学数学竞赛题里的填数题练一下手比较好第三部分做的相对最好,时间刚好够用。主要是前辈们的笔经都包含了所有题型,我昨天看了差不多三四遍,很熟悉~ 虽说数字难了一点,但是可以通过计算结果的分数(不化成小数)形式和选项进行比对,选出答案来,不算难。



