

1. Why did you select your major area of study? 你为什么选择了这个专业?

Personally I have great interests in painting and art in high school. And during the summer holidays in senior high school, I had trips to several great scenic spots. During the trip, I was astonished by the wisdom of the ancient Chinese architects. Nowadays, we can see there are more and more great skyscrapers in China, like the Shanghai Center. Therefore, I chose Architecture to be my major in university.


2.What subjects were your favorite? Why? 你最喜欢的课程是什么,为什么?

My favorite subject is Marketing Principles because this course gives us the holistic picture of what marketing is and what the up-to-date marketing trend is. From this course, we can learn how the international big brands grew up and what is the current status of the local brands. They were fantastic!


3.Other than the courses you studied, what is the most important thing you learned from your college experience? 除了学习方面,你觉得大学里面最大的收获是什么?

My biggest achievement in my college life, I think it is that I have improved my time management skills. You know, there are various activities and part time jobs in campus life, all sound very attractive. At first, my whole life was occupied by all kinds of activities which made myself very exhausted. Then I calmed down and carefully checked which of them can help to achieve my long term career goal. I prioritized some of them and also said“no” to others, like the singing contests each year. ?In this way, I have utilized my time very efficiently also I feel it is very useful when I face similar challenges like that in the future.

在大学生活中我最大的收获,我想应该是我学会了更好地进行时间管理。我们都知道,在大学校园中有不同的活动和兼职的机会,所有的都听上去很诱人。起初,我每一天的生活都被各色各样的活动所包围,的确让我有些喘不过气来。 然后我冷静地想了想,我很仔细地选择了其中的一些,因为我觉得这些是可以帮我达成长期的职业目标的。我对它们进行了排序并且对其中的一些机会说了“不”。通过这样的方式,我让我的时间管理变得更加有效并且我觉得这样的方式对我以后遇到类似的情况也会有帮助。

[实战提示] 面试官会通过你对自己校园生活、学习和兼职等方面的安排,来观察你的逻辑思维、时间管理能力等,没有关系,在面试之前,找一个时间,来瓶畅爽怡神的【可口可乐】汽水,好好想想自己的学校生活的亮点。内容不在于高大上,主要是从小处秀出你的能力亮点。
